The Great Medicine Buddha Prayer

The great annual Sera Mey Monastery’s Medicine Buddha prayer has been successfully completed with great joy and profound dedication. As in every year, the week long prayer ceremony was participated in by all the monks of Sera Mey Monastery, the Abbot, great reincarnated Rinpoches, very learned geshes, the current learners and newly enrolled young monks, plus many local lay Tibetans. The ceremony each day comprised three sessions, starting in the morning at 5:00 a.m and lasting until 8:30 p.m in the evening with rest breaks. In the morning and evening sessions, the monks followed the long Sutra version of the Medicine Buddha prayer and in the afternoon session they performed the short version of the prayer with a long session of the Medicine Buddha Mantra recitation.

The great prayer is always dedicated for world peace and all the people who lead this world that they may be more peaceful and achieve greater harmony, that they have long lives and that all their activities to create a peaceful world be successful, and in particular that His Holiness the great fourteenth Dalia Lama continue to live with us for many many years and that all his wishes and projects be fulfilled. This year’s prayer has been dedicated to theflood victims and their families in Karnataka state and Kerala state in South India.

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