Dukkar, Goddess of the white umbrella (Sanskrit: Ushnisha-sitatapatra) is a powerful female deity of the Buddhist Vajrayana pantheon. She manifests her power with her thousand heads, arms, and legs, and has eyes on the palms of each of her hands and soles of her feet; each head has three eyes. Standing triumphantly within an aureole blazing with the fire of wisdom, the goddess tramples the enemies of spiritual attainment (such as anger, greed, and delusion) with her numerous feet.
In Ushnisha-sitatapatra’s primary left hand is a white umbrella which shields us from all kind of catastrophes, dispel interferences and spirit harms, quell disasters and bring auspiciousness, and Dharma Wheel in her right hand. Her other hands brandish various weapons and form a halo around her.
The demons under her feet represent the negative qualities within all of us that hinder our path to Buddhahood, such as greed, hatred, and pride.
The Dukkar Sungkhor (Amulet) of Sera Mey Monastery has its origins dating several centuries back in ancient Tibet when the sacred scrolls of Dukkar’s protective mantras were printed by woodblock. The Sera Mey temple was engulfed in flames one day when a fire broke out and the woodblock which was kept beside the abbot’s bed soared high up in the sky, and when it fell, a crack appeared across the woodblock.
Our monks perform a very sophisticated ritual: the uninterrupted and repetitive recitation of the long, medium and short mantras of the deity 111,111 times each. Because of the elaborate recitation of the mantras, the Sera Mey Dukkar amulets were popular for their protective powers, and there was a high demand for them in Tibet. This and the above incident led it to bear the ‘cracked and opaque’ hallmark that no other Sungkhors have.
Dukkar is none other than Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion, in a wrathful manifestation. She is eminently honored in all Tibetan Buddhist traditions for her protective abilities, granting people’s wishes and helping them overcome obstacles in life.
You can wear The White Umbrella amulet on your body or put it anywhere you want to be protected. It will protect you from evil spirits, planetary influences, seizures, uncertain deaths, nightmares, poisoning and fire, and water calamities.

One Response
Thank you. I have three White Umbrella empowerments in the Nyingma, and Sakya lineages which I practice a lot.
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